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These evaluations are a product of The Institute of Child Development Research and Social Change at Indigo Cultural Center - a community-based research firm that champions evaluation through an anti-racist lens. The reports highlight each program's methodology, key findings, and spotlight our impact through the voices of program participants and our HCN team. Graphics and graphic representations of each program's essence and impact were done by Rio Holaday.

Evaluation Report - Indigo Cultural Center
I like that they listen, and they listen to understand, instead of just, you know responding.

HCN's Dream Keeper Initiative Community Mental Health Program
Evaluation Report - Indigo Cultural Center
Brighter Futures
Evaluation Report - Indigo Cultural Center
I come back because of the support I’ve found and the help it’s given me to be a better person all the way around.
HCN Amani Mental Health Training Program
Evaluation Report - Indigo Cultural Center
When I say the Amani program is a growth program, I mean that in all areas of individual life.
HCN’s Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Initiative
Evaluation Report - Indigo Cultural Center
Their approach and stance is ‘I know you, I see you, I AM you.’ Their people at HCN come from the community.
Afro-Cultural Black LGBTQIA+ Preservation Mini-Grants
Evaluation Report - Indigo Cultural Center

Community Innovations Mini Grants
Evaluation Report - Indigo Cultural Center
By the people and for the people. We know our community and know what is needed. We are the healers. We are the community.

Evaluation Report - Indigo Cultural Center
Ma’at Youth Leadership Program
Evaluation Report - Indigo Cultural Center
It is wonderful to see my child connecting with someone who shares her culture, making her feel comfortable, valued, heard and not overlooked.
2023-2024 Agency Highlights
Evaluation Report - Indigo Cultural Center

Graphics and graphic representations of each program's essence and impact were done by Rio Holaday.