Mental Health Therapy
Therapists work individually with children to help prevent or resolve psycho-social difficulties experienced by a child as a result of their homelessness. Through talk and play therapy, and other support mechanisms, we help youth explore their emotions freely, express them safely and develop their ability to communicate them in the most appropriate way. We believe that giving children the opportunity to communicate enables them to gain more control over their own behavior.
We also support the mental health needs of parents by providing strength-based therapies and counseling services. We help parents achieve mental and emotional stability so that they can increase their connection to the child(ren) and cultivate a healthy environment in which to raise their children.

Therapeutic Family Services
HCN’s services are designed to meet the unique needs of each child and family. When designing treatment programs, our therapists take into account the needs and strengths, ages, and stages of development of the child and individual family members. Families learn to cope more effectively with the traumas of homelessness and domestic violence, learn new social emotional skills and strategies, and create a more balanced and healthy family environment.

Mental Health Therapy
Therapists work individually with children to help prevent or resolve psycho-social difficulties experienced by a child as a result of their homelessness. Through talk and play therapy, and other support mechanisms, we help youth explore their emotions freely, express them safely and develop their ability to communicate them in the most appropriate way. We believe that giving children the opportunity to communicate enables them to gain more control over their own behavior.
We also support the mental health needs of parents by providing strength-based therapies and counseling services. We help parents achieve mental and emotional stability so that they can increase their connection to the child(ren) and cultivate a healthy environment in which them.

Therapeutic Family Services
HCN’s services are designed to meet the unique needs of each child and family. When designing treatment programs, our therapists take into account the needs and strengths, ages, and stages of development of the child and individual family members. Families learn to cope more effectively with the traumas of homelessness and domestic violence, learn new social emotional skills and strategies, and create a more balanced and healthy family environment.

Play Therapy
Play therapy is conducted in a playroom especially designed and furnished with toys and equipment to promote children’s symbolic play. Children use toys as tools for expressing themselves and creating scenes that they direct with the support of an HCN therapists. Play Therapy is for children who are going through, or went through, difficult times in their lives, which causes painful emotions and behavioral difficulties.
Our therapists use creative techniques for enhancing verbalization, promoting coping abilities, encouraging self-expression, and helping children to articulate conflicting emotions. The techniques include the use of storytelling, art, games, toys, and group play.

Parenting Groups
HCN offers a safe and confidential place for parents to share with one another about their children and to offer suggestions for specific problems that parents often have to deal with. Not only do parents find mutual support and self-help, they also find opportunities to “be the experts” and teach others about their own experiences, strengths and skills. These sessions boost parent’s confidence and competence in their parenting skills, and ensure that they develop the appropriate knowledge and skills to heal and nurture their children.
شكرا لك. شكرا لكم على كل ما عليك القيام به لمساعدة ابننا والأسرة. ونحن ممتنون لكم يساعدوننا
Thank you. Thank you for all you do to help our son and family. We are grateful you are helping us.
Parents of 5 year old client
Country of Origin: Iraq
Me gusta este lugar porque hay muchos jugetes, juegos, pinturas, abrazos y mi pintura. Me gusta que me ensenaron aqui como calmarme con respiraciones.
I like this place (HCN) because there are lots of toys, games, paints, hugs, and my painting. I like that they showed me here how to calm myself with breaths.
6-year-old male client of Mexican/Bolivian decent
Country of Origin: United States